I have a story from 9 years ago when I was diagnosed with Hashimoto thyroiditis, an autoimmune condition. I was sick and my body needed a lot of rest. And I also did not realize that I had serious worthiness issues, where I really derived a lot of my self worth and feeling good about myself from doing. I was always busy, busy, busy, doing, doing and that's what contributed to my body crashing.
One night..
I remember crying because I was too sick to get up and play Monopoly with my son.
They were all playing and I couldn't. I had to just lie there and let my body do its magic,heal and come back to the self.
I needed to give it space to do that.
I was so surprised by what happened next…
My husband came up to me and said the most beautiful thing. He said “Your presence is enough. You don't need to do anything. Just you being here in this space with us is enough.” And he spoke to my worthiness before I even knew that I had worthiness issues.
So take that as an invitation to understand that you just being at home without doing anything and getting out of that doing, doing pattern and just simply BEING is enough.
You just BEING PRESENT and available is enough.
Much love and aloha,