I don’t know who needs to hear this but…
You create your own REALITY.
Day in & day out
You create your own REALITY.
Time & time again I see the same scenario play out...
Two people in the same event
Feeling it, seeing it, experiencing it, processing it
In two COMPLETELY different ways!!!
As parents, as women, as mothers, we have the added responsibility of holding space and translating the world for our children.
How we view the world and how we explain it to our children is literally shaping their REALITY.
Their perception of how they view the world.
As safe or unsafe
As heavy/stressful or light and full of magic, opportunity & potential.
I am not perfect, far from it. I embody a human body and experience all the human emotions just like anyone else.
The difference is that I have a program – my Breathwork, my Meditation, my Innerwork.
That grounds me,
that centres me,
that eliminates my stress,
that brings me peace & bliss.
That creates my REALITY.
And this is what I teach inside my containers.
If my words are creating a “yes” for you (in your heart and/or gut) let me know.
I still have space in my one-on-one mentorship offers.
DM me for more info.