What is a trigger?
A trigger is an event/a cause. Something that causes/creates a reaction, an emotion, a thought in you.
Triggers can be good or bad.
A certain scent or smell can remind you of a loving memory/time in your childhood.
A trigger can also be negative. Bring up negative memories and feelings from your past. A trigger can be so intense you can feel like you are reliving it.
When I started on my road to healing, every time I was triggered, I wanted the pain to go away so badly that I really focused on what my triggers were and wanted to eliminate them.
My thought process was: trigger A causes me pain, organize my life so that I do not see/come across trigger A.
Obviously living like that is not possible.
Eventually I realized that triggers will occur but if you’ve done the healing inner work, if you’ve moved the physical blocks, they will not touch you to the same extent. You will not feel gripped.
Instead you will feel it, you will observe it. And be able to say “Ha! Look how far I’ve come. This used to affect me so intensely before but no longer does.”
There are a few dates in the year, that are heavy ones for me. I used to absolutely dread them. I no longer do. Now I look at them as a barometer to check in with myself and witness how much progress I have made. And to celebrate this beautiful life I have created for myself.