Within every single one of us lies an internal compass. I believe every single one of us also possesses the ability to channel. To connect to Source and receive downloads. We are infinitely guided by our Spirit Team and by the Universe/God.
Our ability to “hear” has everything to do with energetics. First of all, we need to attend to our physical body. Because this is the grosses energy, it can also be the loudest. In many ways, we need to make sure we are healthy and thriving in the physical body before we can start moving onto working with the energetics of the spiritual and emotional body.
The discomforts of a physical ailment/an illness can disrupt/silence intuitive hits/downloads/messages.
For example, it’s difficult to sit and be open to receiving a message when you have a migraine and are nauseous.
This is why we attend to the physical body first through sleep, activity and nutrition first. This ensures the body is happy and silent, allowing the Soul to hear.